Saturday, July 7, 2018

Traversario: Poemas Poems descargar PDF Claudio Serra Brun

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En Traversario, poemas en espanol con su version al ingles de Claudio Serra Brun, hay rastros de sus lecturas: Marcuse y Rimbaud, Jules Laforgue y Oliverio Girondo, Borges y Machado y las pinceladas maestras de Azorin en el alma: Es todo lo que viene con el Autor a estrellarlo en la ?prueba de vida? que la emigracion comporta: Traversario es la consciencia iniciatica de la ruptura. Pedro Bertran. Barcelona, 4/15/1982 In Traversario, poems in Spanish with the English version of ClaudioSerraBrun, there are traces of his readings: Marcuse and Rimbaud, Jules Laforgue and Oliverio Girondo, Borges and Machado and the masterful brushstrokes of Azorin into the soul: it is everything that comes with being the Author, crushing against this ?life test? that emigration contains: Traversario is the initial consequence of rupture. Pedro Bertran. Barcelona, 4/15/1982"
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